Animal’s People Summary and Analysis

Section Five Summary [Power Disrupts the Peace] Tapes 17–19

The Kampani lawyers arrive two weeks early for their hearing, raising suspicion that they are there to strike a deal. Zafar plans for thousands to protest at the Chief Minister’s house. He sends Animal to spy on the lawyers at the hotel Jehannum, while he and Farouq head to the protest. When the CM finally acknowledges the protestors, telling them he has their best interest at heart, they respond with grievances and insults. There is a scuffle between the people and the police, but Zafar, Nisha, Animal, and the others escape. Word arrives that the people have begun rioting in the city.

Animal returns to the hotel. Hiding under a catering table, he overhears Elli and a young Kampani lawyer talking. The lawyer kisses Elli’s cheek and tells her to return home. Animal, overcome with anger, rushes to Somraj’s house but is unable to tell him what he’s overheard. He returns to his factory home instead, where he experiences a vision of blood and ghosts. He seeks Ma’s help, but her responses are nonsensical and irrelevant.

Nautapa, a period of nine days of excruciating heat, arrives. Zafar insists they maintain a position of nonviolence, so as to remain “impeccable” and not feed into Western perceptions of terrorism. Nisha shares with Animal that Zafar will be going on a hunger strike. Animal feels sadness for her and guilt for all that he has hidden.

Farouq joins Zafar in his fast, which begins against the wishes of Nisha, Elli, and others. Journalists and photographers line the court’s pavement, and Zafar makes a speech for the cameras. Two women from the slums join the strike, but end their fast on the third day. Nisha begs Zafar to also stop, but he lashes out at her. Zafar tells Animal that he feels peace but shows signs he is physically and cognitively deteriorating. The people then erupt into cheers as Elli announces that the deal will not happen.

The next day, Animal learns that Zafar is continuing his fast until the morning of the trial, as he refuses to stop without proof that the deal is delayed. He asks Animal to care for Nisha in his death, and Animal confesses about his jealousy, the pills, and his spying. Zafar laughs and confirms that Animal is the right person to look out for Nisha’s well-being.

Section Five Analysis [Power Disrupts the Peace] Tapes 17–19

The “Golden Age” of happiness ends with the Kampani’s early arrival to Khaufpur. Their stay in Jehannum—Hell—is an obvious metaphor for the corruption and evil they represent of the Western world. Their willful denial of responsibility and continued abuse of the Khaufpuris condemns them to a life of suffering. The excruciating heat of Nautapa is a continuation of this hell metaphor, and Animal and the other Khaufpuri face a period of renewed suffering.

Through his hunger strike, Zafar becomes the antithesis to the Kampani and corrupt Khaufpuri politicians. His self-sacrifice positions him as a savior figure for the Khaufpuri people, and their “peace”—the acceptance of their suffering—does not last. Their protesting and rioting highlights the transition of power from the Kampani to the Khaufpuri. The peace within Animal also does not last, as his eavesdropping on Elli leads him to believe she, too, has used her power to take advantage of the Khaufpuri.

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