
##hetorical Analysis Of David Zinczenko's DonT Blame The Eater

Decent Essays

“Don’t Blame the Eater” Analysis Essay Increasing the options of fast food restaurants in America gave society different choices of where they can choose to go eat. Some restaurants may be cheaper than others, but what society didn’t realize was the cheaper the restaurant the more calories the food contains. The consumers didn’t seem to realize or have a problem with these cheaper companies until some consumers sued the company for getting them fat. This caused children to sue Mcdonald's the company for making the consumers get fat. For this reason, according to the author David Zinczenko it is a problem that people are not informed on how many calories the food they're eating contains. He has the credibility to be trusted by his audience …show more content…

He was the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine also director of Women’s Health magazine. He has the credibility to be trusted by his audience on nutrition facts and is currently working as the nutrition and wellness editor for ABC News. Zinczenko is reliable when he explains to the audience he can connect with the people suing the company. Zinczenko himself writes, “I tend to sympathize with these portly fast-food patrons, though. Maybe that's because I used to be one of them”(2). In making this comment, Zinczenko implies to the audience he understands the kids because he was once one of them that use to eat in the fast food restaurants. Zinczenko not only has the credibility to understand the situation because his educated, but because he uses first person, which connects himself with his audience to let them know they're not the only ones that are going through that situation, but that others have gone through the same too. ` The author Zinczenko claims on the growing problem of obesity America is having. The topic of the opinion piece of Zinczenko is kids are gaining weight too fast which consumers seem to believe it is the kids fault for gaining weight and not being responsible with their food choices. However Zinczenko is explaining the upper class consumers, the kids that are eating in fast food restaurants are the lower class that do not have enough money to go eat in healthy restaurants like them. He wants to awere his audience to have

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