
Why We Should Not Have Homework In School

Satisfactory Essays

Do you hate having homework, do you hate having to stay up all night to finish your homework? don't you just wish that your teachers will just give you enough time to just do your homework in class. well i'm here to tell you why you should not have any homework in school and why you should not have to stay up all night to finish.

The first reason that i have for you is that the teacher should give you enough time to learn all the stuff that we need to learn and then have a practice available for you to do if you need extra help on a certain subject and not make it a requirement for you to do homework. Because when you get homework you might not have time for it and not do it and then get a zero for it then your grade goes down a bit. But if you just make a practice worksheet that's not for a grade then you can just do the stuff that you don’t really understand and not all the …show more content…

What kids should be doing with there time is spending time with there family and friends instead of being stuck in there room for long periods of times doing homework that could of be done at school. Also the parents may want to go out with the family and can't because that would affect the kid doing there homework and the parents don't want the kid to do bad in school so they would have to stay home to help them with there homework. For adults they hate when there work life pores into there free time and student also get that way

Students should not have homework because teachers have seven hours in the day to teach in the day that should be plenty of time to teach us in the day for whatever we need to learn and homework gets in the way of people’s sports. Students also have to stay up late at night to finish their homework and that might cause kids to have sleeping problems and then they wont work as hard in class because they are

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