
What Is The Social Impact Of The Film Art & Copy

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Throughout everyday life we are welcomed by advertisements for a product. Rather its radio, newspaper, and also billboards, companies go out their way and spend millions of dollars on an ad for the promotion of their product. The topic of the film is about advertisement and all of the hard work that a company has to go through in order to promote their product. Basically the wisdom and norms on how to sell a product to customers. The production of the film is made by Doug Pray in the year 2009. Social impact of the film Art & Copy was basically how advertisements are deeper than what people imagined, it has to deal with entrepreneurs investing into a product and finding a way to make it sell. Media has a strong way to connect with other products …show more content…

From Apple products, to Tommy Hilfiger and MTV. Majority of the advertisements want to grab individual’s attention. During the early 1980’s in order for people to start recognizing these popular products, they created catch phrases such as “Just Do It” and “Got Milk”. Back then cable was not as popular as it is today, by placing famous celebrities inside their commercials and calling the company and forcing them to play their commercials on the air is what made their products sales increase. Great advertisement starts with something true. The top designers in the film had develop a strategy that was extremely good. Because if they did not then people would buy it and find out that it was terrible. There are not any flaw reasoning in the film. Some of them had a reputation on being rough on the clients and forcing them to make the product sell. Most cared about was making money out of clients and giving them what they want. They allowed clients to determine terrible work and get paid for …show more content…

The main problem in media production is high cost and unpredictable audience. It takes a lot of money to invest in a product and also advertise it. With music and other products in today’s society, it is really up to the audience that makes or breaks the item. As stated in ch.4, Stars in the music industry are the physical embodiment of hits. They make music for the fans and also receive indorsement deals with big companies such as Nike or Reebok and help expand their product sales. Stars also increase the chance of hits whenever a fan see their favorite artist wearing a certain clothing or drinking a beverage. It makes everyone think its fine to do these things their favorite is a trend setter. Stars are used to combat the uncertainty even when it comes to the news and

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