
What Is Chuang Chou Identify The Purpose Of Humanity?

Decent Essays

The Tao is a way of life. It emphasizes the relationship man shares with nature and how they interconnect. “The Way is simply the natural course of things.” So much of our modern life is saturated with pressures from society and conformity. We are trying to artificially create a better world when our own natural world is perfect in its original state. Chuang Chou seems to ask life’s big questions throughout his work of “Chuang Chou,” while Li Po and T’ao Ch’ien seem to answer life’s big questions through their poetry which resembles romantic, and transcendent values. Throughout Chaung Tzu’s writing one can notice a similar thematic philosophy of discovering the purpose of humanity and why we are here. Chuang Tzu declares that human morality isn’t clearly black and white like we would think it to be. There are many complexities in following “The Way.” Tzu states, “If right were really right, it would differ so greatly from not right that there would be no need for argument.” Unfortunately there is still …show more content…

There are so many different circumstances which have such a profound influence on our way of life. There are countless debates and arguments that seem to take place in the great dilemma of what is right and wrong. Tzu believes that “neither you nor I nor anyone else can decide for each other.” Something that is incredibly powerful about the Taoist’s view of the Way is that “if the Way is made clear, it is not the Way.” This understanding that the universe is so much more complex than we realize is very insightful. It actually relates to the values of romanticism and transcendentalism very well. These revolutionary eras that took place in the west highly questioned the status quo. Spiritual

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