
What Does Yin Yang Mean

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Yin-Yang as the symbol of unity
A famous symbol known by all is the Yin-Yang this is one leading idea commonly used in different schools all through the history of Chinese philosophy. Just as many other Chinese ideas the inspirations of yin-yang are easy identify, but the theoretical implications are difficult to understand. Besides the opposites in the understanding, use, and assumption of yin-yang, three ordinary terms simplify almost all theories of the Chinese philosophy.
In Chinese culture Yin-Yang was very important to them and three terms they followed and understood are, first yin-yang is the coherent fabric of nature and mind. Second, Yin-yang is the interaction of the growing and fading in the cosmic and human realms. The third and final term is Yin-yang is perceived as a method of togetherness making sure there is a continuous balance between all things. As the Zhuangzi (Chang-tzu) says “The highest for Yin is freezing as Yang highest for would be boiling. Zhuangzi or better known as Master Zhang has the understanding that the coldness comes from the Heavens and the warmth comes from the Earth. With the way these two intertwine it forms peace, so in a way it gives life to all things. Even though nothing is seen this may be the law for everything.”(Zhuangzi, Chapter 21). …show more content…

It was used in the ancient I Ching ( The Book of Changes ).There are many ideas on what the symbol means, but the most original coming from Taoist cosmology would be that the circle is a representation of unity with the color of the halves meaning feminine and masculine energy. It is believed that the way the two energies come together is the birth of the Five Elements and the Ten-Thousand Things. The shape of the symbol consist of a movement that of a kaleidoscope. This movement represents the ways Yin-Yang are equally ascending, codependent, and always becoming one

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