
Wgu Rlt2 Task 2

Satisfactory Essays

In Task 2, the owner is correct in his need to move away from a sole proprietorship and into an entity where his personal assets will be shielded in the event of a business failure. There seem to be three major ways to remove this liability, which include a C-Corp, S-Corp and LLC. For this situation, I would recommend an LLC for the business owner and will explain why it will benefit him in the issues of liability, continuity, income taxes, profit retention and control. When looking at liability, creating an LLC will limit the owner’s exposure to just his invested amount. This will legally shield his home, bank accounts, family’s property and other personal assets from seizure or liquidation in the event the company is held responsible for any of the situations mentioned, such as a cabinet falling or subcontractor failing to perform. It would also protect him in the event the expansion of his company fails, and a worst case scenario of the company going under. The continuity of his company would be greater than his current sole proprietorship, by would be governed by his state laws. Without knowing the state he would be creating the LLC in, we can only state that he would be able to include options in the governing documents giving his family a change to buy his share if he does die, which would greatly disrupt the company’s operations. He …show more content…

By using the LLC’s abilities to crate separate classes of stocks, he would be able to create an investment class along with a partner class if he wanted to bring in either just capital amounts, or other people to help run his business. In addition to this, all investors would only be liable for a maximum amount of their investment, and would not bear any personal liability for the company. By creating different classes of stock, he would also be able to maintain control of his company, or split control as he sees fit with partners of his

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