
Unions Vs. Non Unions Essay

Decent Essays

Unions vs. Non Unions Beginning, in the early 18th Century, labor unions formed in order to benefit the working class during the industrial revolution in Europe. It is a natural human instinct to seek the company of others with similar aspirations. For years, men have formed organizations around common interests, including religious and political interests. The rise of capitalism in the U.S. made labor organization inevitable (Flagler, 17). In the early 19th Century in the United States, labor unions formed upon the founding of the National Labor Union in 1866, (Union Plus). Although this organization terminated early on, it was the catalyst to the rest of the labor unions extant today in our country. Despite their controversy, unions help the economy because the working class receives fair benefits, wages, and working conditions, all of which allow them to purchase goods and services. These purchases, in turn, help to employ more people. By being union members, workers tend to receive better benefits than nonunion workers. “Some 93 percent of unionized workers were entitled to medical benefits compared to 69 percent of their nonunion peers, according to the National Compensation Survey published last year by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,” (Bank Rate what year is this citation). Additionally, “Workers with union representation also had 89 percent of their health insurance premiums paid by their employer for single coverage and 82 percent for family coverage. For

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