
The Shirtwaist Labor Unions: The Great Strike Of Worker

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A Union is a group of workers who wanted something better from their company or facility, they are called strikers. Unions benefit workers in many ways, they help get workers' rights. Unions are formed because their working conditions are irritable. They all needed and wanted a change; Labor Unions were created to help the workers with work-related difficulties such as low pay, unsafe or unsanitary working conditions, long hours, and other situations. . Unions were formed for a good reason, to fight back and get their rights they deserved. It was to make sure no one person was fighting alone. The Union was a good way for the workers to have a strong voice. Striking was the easiest way to try to make the company weak. The Great Strike of …show more content…

No one knew how to properly use the equipment because they were never taught and there was no directions to help them. It's diffucult to work with equipment that can be very dangerous. Often times there were fires because an error happened with the machinery. One of many, The Shirtwaist Factory Fire hurt many people, one hundred and seventy five died and more than one hundred were injured. They were unable to escape because the fire was on the eighth, ninth and tenth floors. Also because the employers locked the doors to make sure they kept on working. There was no fire escape plan either, many had to jump to their death. The company refused to install sprinkler systems. There were many ways were the bosses could have avoided that …show more content…

Children were smaller, so they could do things that was too hard for adults. Even though this could be effective to poor families, it soon got out of hand. Children would be uneducated and were over worked. Adults were now less likely to get jobs because children would work for half price. Child labor is cruel and not necessary. You may think Labor Unions were bad and not a good idea because they got violent. The reason they got very violent was because nothing was being changed. They were still being treated badly and still were not earning enough money. At this point, they have fought for their rights for a long time and they were all tired of protesting. Labor unions formed for a good reason to help workers fight back together. There were many reasons why Labor Unions protested. If it wasn’t for the Union everyone would still be earning a low salary and have bad working conditions. We now are earning more money, working fewer hours and have better working conditions because of the Labor

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