
Truck Acceleration Lab

Decent Essays

Introduction Acceleration is the change in velocity. It is found through the equation, a=vt, the change in velocity over the change in time. If a truck was to drive down a hill, how would its velocity change? Would the truck gain speed or slow down? Now rethink this situation with the truck loaded with heavy deliveries. How much of an effect would the heavy deliveries have on the acceleration of the truck?

Figure 1: Truck Visual

That was exactly the focus of this investigation. In figure 1, the truck would represent the cart, the heavy deliveries would represent the weights, and the hill would represent the ramp. This models the relationship between weight and acceleration. Based on this example, a hypothesis was constructed-as weight increases, the acceleration decreases. This is expected because more energy is required to move. As a result, it would take longer for the truck to move, and therefore, the cart. …show more content…

The dependent variable was the acceleration of the cart. The constants were the books, angle of the ramp, materials of cart, etc. The first step was to gather the materials and to set them up. The materials included the cart, weights (gram), ramp, books, and motion sensor.

Figure 2: Sketch of Setup

As shown in figure 2, the setup consisted of stacking the ramp on top of textbooks, the motion sensor at the top, and the cart about 15 cm away from it. The next step was to measure the acceleration of the cart without any weights. After three trials, the data recorded by the motion sensor was averaged. The slope of the line indicated the velocity. The previous steps were repeated, with a 100g weight increasing after every three trials. This continued until there were 4 weights. The results of the experiment were then recorded into a graph and data table.

Data Tables & Graphs
Figure 3: Data Table

Weight of Cart (g)
Acceleration of Cart (m/s2)
Trial 1

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