
Total Quality Management Literature Review

Decent Essays

Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Aerospace and Defence industry to enhance performance
Implementation of Total Quality Management in an organisation to Gain Competitive Advantage/ Performance
Literature review
Total Quality Management (TQM) definitions
The TQM theory was elaborated by W. Edwards Deming to better the management of industrial units (Militaru et al, 2013). Contributors to the concept of TQM are people such as Deming (Anvari et al, 2011). Dr Deming considered quality and process improvement activities as the catalyst necessary to start an economic chain reaction. Improving quality leads to decreased costs, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, and better use of resources, which in turn leads to improved productivity, which enables a company to …show more content…

He felt that without quality improvement efforts to light the fuse, this process would not begin (Summers, 2014).

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach to optimization (Anvari, Ismail & Hojjati, 2011). TQM is defined as an approach to management characterized by some guiding principles or core concepts that embody the way the organisation is expected to operate, which, when effectively linked together, will lead to high performance (Eriksson & Garvare, 2005). According to Radnor (2000) “TQM is the management of quality at every stage of operations, from planning and design through self-inspection to continual process monitoring for improvement opportunities”. Some argue that TQM is corporate culture characterized by increased customer satisfaction through

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