
The Similarities Between Mozi And Laozi

Decent Essays

At a superficial level, Laozi and Mozi seem to be at odds with one another on nearly all levels. Mozi’s philosophy is backed up with reasoning and a prevailing idea of rational thought in order to create order. Seemingly contradictory is Laozi’s claim that The Way or a guiding force that exists through everything is what actually brings order to the world. They appear at odds with one another, but once examined just a step, a new set of similarities and distinctions become visible. Both Mozi and Laozi fundamentally believe in a higher guiding power, their governments have very slight differences, and their thoughts on the need for order are rooted in a similar place. The foundation of Laozi’s philosophy is the “Dao” or “Way”, it is a nebulous …show more content…

A comparison can be drawn here, with Laozi’s Way being the force actually bringing about order once again by striking down the source of disorder. Often times the analogy of a stream is used when discussing Daoism, and the same analogy seems to fit with Mozi, at least to a degree. The stream represents the Way or guiding force, and no matter how much someone may try to push a stream uphill, it will always resist and find a method of righting its own …show more content…

If Laozi were to see an ideal Mohist government, he would see the foundations of his own ideal state. The fact that the large majority of people willingly follow the law and carry it out, would be the perfect foundation for the Daoist state. The main difference is that Laozi would prefer that the ruler (Son of Heaven in this case), be hidden from the public. He must be disconnected from the minds of the people in order to rule properly. Once he is out of the people’s minds then the government would be able to change to fit Daoist

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