
The Mandate of Heaven Based on the Teachings of Confucius Essay

Decent Essays

The Mandate of Heaven Based on the Teachings of Confucius

The Chinese concept of the "Mandate of Heaven," was based on the teachings of Confucius and further enhanced a century later by a man named Mencius. Mencius added to the Confucian teachings by addressing human nature and the right to govern. Previously, China had been ruled by two divergent schools of thought. One was "selfish" religion in how you could obtain happiness in an unsettled world by living a simple life in harmony with nature.

Confucius taught that the improvement of society was the responsibility of the rules, and that the quality of government depended on the ruler's moral character. Confucius based his teachings on the …show more content…

The welfare of the people of China was the main measuring rod for judging the government. Mencius believed that all people were morally equal and that the ruler needed the consent of his people. He hoped that a strong unifying leader could stop the wars between regional areas and states from the Zhou period. Thus, if a ruler lost the "Mandate of Heaven," the people had every right to rebel and even overthrow that particular unjust leader.

The "Mandate of Heaven," actually mirrors the rulers of Chinaand shows that things could be poor and the people would take things into their own hands and rebel. These were rulers that led to the decline of the state of China. The Qin dynasty unified China for a short period of time, but then collapsed. The Han, (earlier) dynasty lasted several centuries, and then was replaced by the reign of Wang Mang, then the later Han dynasty took over. In the end, none of these dynasties could unify all of China. There was always a cycle of decline in the dynasties after a beginning period of prosperity and power. Historians, both inside and outside of China, could recognize this pattern. A pattern of prosperity, with decline right along side the "Mandate of Heaven," was the familiar way. The people were immediately pleased with their government body, but as the government made poor choices, placed unequal taxes on the poorest people, and interfered with others,

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