
The Galloping Horse By Xu Beihong

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Discuss attitudes toward nature expressed in philosophy, art, and politics through time. Both Confucian and Daoist philosophies show great reverence for nature, emphasizing a harmony between nature and mankind. Even though Confucianism is mainly concerned with human affairs, its values imply the great importance of respecting all life in nature; this attitude towards nature is most evident in many Confucian texts, which often make analogies relating human interactions with nature. For example, Mencius once said that “The woods on Ox Mountain were once beautiful. Because they were on the edge of a large country, they have been attacked with axes and hatchets, so how could they remain beautiful?” With communal responsibility as a core Confucian value, this quote implies that it is one’s duty to preserve nature so that future …show more content…

During this difficult time, one during which mass murder and rapings occurred, the Galloping Horse may seek to inspire patriotism among the Chinese, creating the momentum to endure and counter Japanese invasions. The horse is portrayed as young and strong, swiftly galloping with its tail flinging high in the air, symbolizing the unyielding spirit of the Chinese people in face of hardship. Furthermore, this painting carries a unique perspective, differing from the traditional flatter and more two-dimensional works. In the Galloping Horse, the horse seems to come out of the page towards the viewer, reflecting the unstoppable determination and unwavering perseverance of the Chinese people. While these two works of art were created during vastly different times, they are both filled with symbolism used to solve a contemporary problem; Xu Bing’s phoenix monuments aim to expose modern social disparities while Xu Beihong’s Galloping Horse aims to build patriotism during a harsh

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