
Essay about The Benefits of Online Universities

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It is a well-known fact that sometimes teachers are not able to respond to challenging questions and students have to look for the answers themselves. When I, as a student experienced the same, I made the decision to learn such topics from internet sources to compliment what we have studied in class. The result was astonishing; even though I haven’t fully studied in the classroom, I could pass my exams successfully. So, I came to the conclusion that online education may easily surpass the traditional, classroom-study one. However, there are some people who believe it is impossible . I have compared both pros and cons of 2 education styles, and detected in which field they will be beneficial, and in which their implementation will cause …show more content…

Ilyas Nurseitov who is school councilor of Nazarbayev Intellectual School, which means he is a specialist in education, states, “to be a student of online university you have to be stimulated person, otherwise you have nothing to do in online university”. One more benefit of online universities. Online universities have to make their schedule on their own, hence they are able to focus on concerning study topics more than others. According to a study by the U.S. Department of Education : "on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction." Using over 1,000 empirical studies, the DOE found that time was the additive that helped students study better. The report noted benefits in studies in which online learners spent more time on task than students in the face-to-face condition. This survey conducted by U.S. department of education used standard deviation methods which known by statisticians as a best way to make a survey. Hence, I suppose it is a good quality report. Chat rooms and forums in online universities enable students to communicate neglecting their modesty or timidity. One may behave too shy, even if he studied a lot, and perish his marks. Online education makes everyone’s voice heard, and promote them to easily express themselves. Katie Lepi, the reporter of Edudemic, supports my opinion. She says, “I grew up in a

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