
Taoism Is Not Eternal Taoism By Lao Tzu

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Taoism follows a philosophy about the proper path in life and especially in accordance to nature’s way (62). It has exceeded cultural and historical limit and became widely read by masses over centuries and has exerted a huge change on their ways of lives. I found the document, however, confusing and not easy to understand the underlying principles that hold the whole of it together. In the introductory aspect of it, it is described as chaos, in the sense that it is undifferentiated oneness (61). The oneness described by Lao Tzu is a two sided and complex energy of being and non-being. As it is described, the non-being is inexhaustible and not limited “the Tao that can be mentioned is not eternal Tao” (61). The non-being is powerful over the

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