
Summarise the Policies and Procedures of the Setting Relevant to Promoting Children and Young People's Positive Behaviour (1.1)

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Summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people's positive behaviour (1.1)

Behaviour policy
The behaviour policy outlines the school's aims of how to create “a positive community atmosphere in which children can learn effectively by promoting good standards of behaviour”. The school aims to recognise and respond to good behaviour in children, promoting a positive classroom environment where the focus is on praise of children's good behaviour and work. It outlines rewards and sanctions, and sets out a code of conduct that all children, staff, parents and governors should be aware of.

Code of conduct
The school outlines 5 “golden rules” that apply to everyone in school:
“Always …show more content…

Conflict and inappropriate behaviour
The behaviour policy outlines several procedures for dealing with inappropriate behaviour. Firstly verbal warnings are given, and the child is given chance to apologise and choose to change their behaviour. Sanctions for continued bad behaviour can escalate from time spent on the thinking chair/ missed playtime, to being sent to a senior member of staff. In cases of extreme bad behaviour or physically violence a log will be noted into the class behaviour book and parents will be informed. Sustained inappropriate behaviour may lead to a behaviour agreement, discussed with the parents and child present where the child will promise to change their behaviour. Breaking this agreement, or other very extreme cases may lead to exclusion from school, which will be handled by the head teacher.

The anti-bullying policy sets the aims that everyone at the school has “the right to feel welcome, secure and happy.” All staff, parents and pupils have a responsibility to prevent bullying, and the policy contains guidelines on how to achieve this. The policy explains how to define bullying to the two different key stages, including what does not constitute bullying. Children are taught how they can help each other to prevent bullying in the school, such as “we can ask the bully to stop”, “we can stand up for the person being bullied and help them” and “we can try to make

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