
Similarities Between Daoism And Confucianism

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Daoism, Chinese philosophical and religious system, dating from about the 4th century BC. Among native Chinese schools of thought, the influence of Daoism has been second only to that of Confucianism. II. Basic Tenets The essential Daoist philosophical and mystical beliefs can be found in the Daodejing (Tao-te Ching, Classic of the Way and Its Power) attributed to the historical figure Laozi (Lao-tzu, 570?-490? BC) and possibly compiled by followers as late as the 3rd century BC.
• Whereas Confucianism urged the individual to conform to the standards of an ideal social system, Daoism maintained that the individual should ignore the dictates of society and seek only to conform with the underlying pattern of the universe, the Dao (or Tao, meaning “way”), which can neither be …show more content…

Such feeling applies to all men--not just one nation or race. It is the foundation of all human relationships. b. There is the belief that jen can be obtained; indeed, there is the belief in the natural perfectibility of man. Hence, he rejects the way of human action where one satisfies likes and avoids dislikes. c. The first principle of Confucianism is to act according to jen: it is the ultimate guide to human action. 4. We should seek to extend jen to others. B. Li (lee): principle of gain, benefit, order, propriety; concrete guide to human action. 1. Two basic meanings to li: (1) concrete guide to human relationships or rules of proper action that genuinely embody jen and (2) general principle of social order or the general ordering of life. 2. Confucius recognized that you need a well ordered society for wren to be expressed. 3. First Sense: the concrete guide to human relationships. a. The way things should be done or propriety: positive rather than negative ("Do's rather than Don'ts). b. The main components of propriety emphasize the openness of people to each other. (1) The reification of names: language used in accordance with the truth of

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