
Sample Management Discussion and Analysis

Decent Essays

Sample Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)

Note: This template is provided as a background for the MD&A. Districts have been preparing the MD&A for a number of years now, so for the most part you should start with your MD&A from LAST YEAR and update it. Therefore this document’s primary use is to remind you of what the MD&A is for and what points it should include.

The purpose of the Management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) is to introduce the basic financial statements and provide an analytical overview of the government’s financial activities. The government entity may include as much detail as wanted as long as it pertains to these eight topics.

1. Brief discussion of the basic financial statements, including …show more content…

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (not required, see page 183 of GASB # 34)

This section is not required However it may help to direct the reader’s attention to important information You may include such things as:

Change in net assets for the year. Could include the changes for both the governmental and business type activities.

Comparison of tax revenue and other revenue to prior year and could also compare to expenditures for governmental activities.

Comparison of business type total revenues to expenses and compared to prior year.

Brief explanation of change in the entity’s programs (including whether there were new programs or not) and percentage change.

Explanation of any deficits in the current year.

Other highlights seen as significant that the entity wants to point out to readers.


This annual report consists of two parts: management’s discussion and analysis (this section) and the basic financial statements. The basic financial statements include a series of financial statements. The Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities (on pages and ) provide information about the activities of the [type of entity] as a whole and present a longer-term view of the [type of entity]’s

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