
Research Paper On Ivory

Decent Essays

Ivory-Is it worth it?
Everyday elephants and rhinos are being poached in order to get their tusks and horns. These tusks and horns are made of ivory which is sold for very large sums. Many things are being done to stop poaching but elephants and rhinos are still being poached.
People in Asia mainly China are the main buyers of ivory from illegally poached rhinos and elephants. The ivory business is a multi million dollar business. They buy elephant tusks for $1,500 per pound. Rhino horns are $45,000 per pound, or $6,000 for 100 grams. Many things are trying to be done but there is still illegal ivory trading. There is a near total ban on ivory in the US. The Chinese government has become stricter so people trade in Vietnam and Laos where there is a less strict government. The main buyers of ivory are in Asia but people don’t want to change their ways so many people still participate in the business of ivory trading.
Elephants and rhinos are disappearing at an alarming rate due to illegal poaching. Many elephants are being killed everyday and they could soon be extinct. Tanzania's elephant population decreased by two thirds and Mozambique's fell by 40%. Elephants have dropped in population from more than 10 million to only 479,000 today. …show more content…

Even though people are helping these animals are still being poached and could be extinct very soon. So I ask you, is ivory worth it? Works Cited
Meyer, Micheal. “Pressuring the Poachers. Newsela. Web. 4-15-16

Sherwell, Philip. “Revealed:the Laos market selling ivory carvings and ‘medicinal’ rhino horn from slaughtered wildlife to Chinese buyers.” Web. 4-22-16

Kaplan, Sarah. “One of the Last four Rare White Rhinos Euthanized”. Newsela. Web. 4-20-16

Hussain, Wasbir. “As British Royals Arrive, Rhino Killed”. Newsela. Web. 4-19-16

“How Drones are Helping Stop Poachers in Africa”. Abc news. Video.

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