
Persuasive Essay On Ivory Trade

Satisfactory Essays

Bloody Ivory Last year 35,000 elephants were killed because of poaching and ivory trade. Elephants are poached for the ivory in their tusks. The ivory is mostly used for jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Ivory can also be used for the making of piano keys. I believe that the world needs to make a stop to poaching and the ivory trade. With that i will share with you my arguments on why i think we should stop poaching elephants.

Elephants are being killed by the hundreds every day, just for their ivory. According to a book called "Ivory, horn, And Blood", the use of elephant ivory goes all the way back to the Egyptian times.
Having ivory showed power and wisdom. An Egyptian king back in the day, made his servants carve his throne entirely of ivory, to show his power and strength. I find that since people have been killing elephants for ages, it will be a hard habit to break, but i also feel like it must be done. I believe that we can replace ivory jewelry with gold or silver, because those elements are just material, while when you are wearing ivory, you are wearing the part of an animal that was brutally massacred, just for the pleasure of …show more content…

According to an article published by Upfront Magazines, " In Mozambique, the number of people living inside one of the country’s national parks grew to about 35,000 in 2012 from about 21,000 in 2001. The explanation is that the elephants are destroying crops and the only way to stop them is to, you know, destroy them, aka kill the elephants. I think that there should be other ways the farmers take care of the problem. I think they need to think of the big picture when they are about to put the final blow on the elephants. I believe that this is just one thing to add on to the pile for the struggle of surviving for the elephants. But what the real reason the elephants are going extinct is because of poaching,

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