
Republicanism Vs Conservatism

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This article, from the Sage Journals website, describes the tendency of individuals to cooperate better with others who share their political ideologies. First of all, the article explains the difference between Republicans and Democrats. According to the authors, Republicans lean toward conservative views. This means that they “support stability and find hierarchy acceptable.” In simple terms, conservatives believe that the national government should interfere as little as possible. Democrats, on the other hand, lean toward liberal views. This means that they “support progressive change and egalitarianism.” Simply put, liberals support the participation of the national government in various matters. Later in the article, the results of the …show more content…

According to American Government and Politics Today, this term “is a closely linked set of beliefs about politics” (13). In today’s society, the two main political ideologies can be split into liberalism and conservatism. The Republican party’s ideology is a prime example of this conservative view. According to American Government and Politics Today, conservative individuals believe that the government should promote “economic liberty, morality, and social order” (15). Tying this back to the article, the Republican party is in favor of stability and a hierarchy. This means that they support a national government that does not interfere with things such as the economy. Democrats, on the other hand, lean toward liberal views. In the article, Democrats support progressive change, which is a characteristic described in the textbook. This means that Democrats want the national government to make positive changes. In addition, the article provided an example of politics. According to American Government and Politics Today, “politics is the struggle over power or influence within organizations” (2). In this case, it was the struggle between the Republicans and Democrats when it came to

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