
Reagan's Argument Against Affirmative Action

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Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president of the United States of America was best known for his acting career before entering the political arena. Reagan’s great public speaking skills, wonderful sense of humor, and little to no experience in politics landed him the highest position in government in the United States of America. He was empowered by his supporter and doubted by skeptics like any ordinary president. Through it all, history and facts regard him as one of the most effective and accomplished Presidents of all times. As a matter of fact, leaving office in 1989, Reagan held a high approval rating leaving him, as one of the highest rated departed presidents in modern time. Unarguably, based on results, Reagan provided equal opportunities …show more content…

William E. Pemberton describes Reagan as a president that was against affirmative action by stating, “He attacked affirmative action on the grounds that it violated American principles of equal treatment of individuals” (Pemberton 85). While many believed that affirmative action was created to provide opportunities for the less fortunate, Reagan proved it to be an idea that caused more inequality. Affirmative action denies the right to those who actually deserve and have the qualifications for a position in the work place, entrance into higher learning institutions, and other merit based positions. Reagan believed that meeting specific criteria should allow a person a better position rather than basing it on religion, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Reagan’s stance against affirmative action clearly indicates his vision of equality for all and not for a select minority. This mentality of equality and willingness to address it, regardless of how controversial of an issue it is, was one of the characteristics that made him an outstanding president in history. Similarly, to further explain Reagan’s views on equality, Pemberton states, “He made racial justice his highest priority and changed the focus of civil rights programs from establishing equal opportunity to insuring equal outcomes” (Pemberton 54). Reagan had a more profound view on equality than that of the American people. …show more content…

The country was billions of dollars in debt. Lowering the government's income by lowering taxes would only make this worse. But Reagan believed that lower taxes would help the economy. With a stronger economy, people and businesses would make more money. These increased profits would mean more taxes would be paid because the extra money would be taxed. The economic program Reagan implemented during his presidency became known as Reaganomics. This approach to healing the economy focused on low taxes, fewer and cheaper government programs, and high military spending. Reaganomics was intended to keep inflation down. The president believed his program was the best way to rebuild America's failing economy. (Benson 79)
The nation’s economy was in turmoil which led Reagan to think outside of the box. Reagan’s innovative ways of thinking about tax reform led to a boost in the economy. Reagan’s plan for the economy was so significant and unique to him that it was given its own name. It was called Reaganomics. This uniqueness in thinking was another one of the factors that set him apart from other political figures.
At the time of Reagan’s presidency, there was turmoil in the world. Making Reagan’s priority during his presidency national security. Benson points out the drastic difference in view points toward defense spending between the Democrats and the Reagan administration by

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