
Pros And Cons Of Confucius

Decent Essays

“Confucius.” Introduction by Prof. William deBary of Columbia University .Selection from the Analects of Confucius. It shows how Confucius and Confucianism deeply influence in Qin and western Han dynasty.
From the article, I know that Confucius was born in 551 BCE and died in 479 BCE and he was born in the feudal state of Lu with a warring state. Nowadays, the state of Lu become to the Shan Dong province of China. In his whole life, he was a teacher and taught more than thousands people. And also, he was a transmitter, philosopher, and a creative interpreter of the ancient Chinese culture and literature. Confucius has the idea to make the country in order and peace because in his age in the Chou dynasty, the country become to a feudal nation and the king was a violence person and fail to dominate the nation. At this time, Confucius has a idea to make the people live in a peace nation and the nation was dominated in a order. He believes that in the future, the emperor will employ him and his idea for governing the nation. Like he said in the Analect,“since the death of King Wen, does not the mission of culture rest here with us? If Heaven were going to destroy this culture, a mortal like me would not have been given such a place in it.”( p. 22). It means that Confucius had the …show more content…

The emperor of the Qin Dynasty was also violence and didn’t care of the common people’s daily life. The emperor of the Qin Dynasty didn’t adopt the Confucius political ideas because the main idea of Confucianism is about the “Li” and “Ren” and these idea is good for the common people. The “Li” means polite and “ Ren” means the good relationshio between more than two people. However, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty want to dominate the whole land of China and can’t consider and take care of the common people. Also, he forced the common people to pay the high taxes to the nation and made most of common people died in the

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