
Pros And Cons Of Confucianism

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In a properly ordered society everyone would benefit to varying degrees. Humane treatment of self and others begins in the familial environment spilling over into all aspects of life. The very foundation of proper order is the importance of human interests and all other characteristics of proper order are dependent on these interests. Confucianism is a multifaceted system of moral, social and religious thoughts prominent in the history of East Asia. Confusciouos teaches that it is unrealistic to believe that proper order equals equality. In the western culture beliefs support that equality should triumph over all. Individuals who grow and work for themselves are held in the highest regard because East Asian culture includes the belief that people should get what they earn based on how hard they work. Balance is a necessary building block in promoting a cohesive environment. A persons or …show more content…

These local institutions play a large role in how peace and balance can be achieved in society. Confucians were very open-minded about what kinds of local institutions could help create social order. These institutions could be local churches, community support groups or families. Anything that will teach people to work together for the greater good would be accepted. The third area where proper order is needed is in government. The government encompasses many people and usually many different regions. The government has the ability to unite these people and help bring the structure that is needed to keep a balance in society. This can be achieved first by having virtuous leaders that lead by example. Second, the government can provide for people that are in need. This can be done by using the taxes to help the deprived, so that they can also contribute to the greater good of the

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