
Prince Sports Case Study

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M2. Case Study Analysis - Prince Sports, Inc.

Quick and fast changes in an environmental market place such as social growth (globalization and the growth of social networks), economic instability (crises), industrial progress, fast growing competitive world and firm marketing regulatory mainly have an effect on the work of most of marketing companies or marketing and brand image divisions of the companies. In order to put into practice a winning marketing plan or a boost in sales and customer awareness companies have to stay in pace with the new marketing environment and take into thought every likely detail that might help out or ruin the image of a company or product.
This case study will examine the marketing principle and …show more content…

1. Cultivating Technology to meet player’s needs. Prince Sports, Inc implemented a new technology progress in order to solve the main problem that most of tennis racquets had: contradiction between racquet speed and sweet spot. This new concept became essential after a meticulous work in gathering information about general consumer’s needs. Marketing team has reached out to a younger generation though different channels of social media and social network such as Facebook, be it Twitter, MySpace and then internationally, High Five and Orchid (Video Case 9) to understand what type of technological breakthrough will satisfy potential customers’ need. Prince Sports, Inc Marketing team work directly with R&D team to combine and collaborate marketing knowledge and technological ability. Together these two teams have created an evolutionary O3 technology with a 24 percent faster swing speed than traditional frames. The explanation of why their technology works better than other brands is pretty simple: “The secret is in the holes”. Like all world-changing innovations, O3 technology is based on an ingeniously simple idea. By replacing traditional pin sized string holes with massive O-ports, Prince Sports created a class of racquets that move through the air faster for increase power and greater control. (Tennis Express, Online Store,
2. Segmenting the tennis market: A new breakthrough technology allowed

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