
Plato and Confucius Essay

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Plato and Confucius

There are thousands of credible philosophers for people to study today, therefore the choice of who to study becomes a burdening task. Each single one has amazing knowledge and insight that we could all learn something from. There are people who don’t call themselves philosophers but bring philosophical thought to us, and then there are those who dedicate their lives to the love of wisdom. Philosophers have existed for thousands of years, and as long as the sun comes up, there will be philosophers in the future. The human mind is made for philosophizing. So as we young, blossoming philosophers try and make sense of the world in general and the philosophical world specifically, we must find people to enlighten us and …show more content…

Plato is one of the most incredible and though provoking philosophers of all time. He demonstrates his intellectual capacity and vision in his work, Republic. Plato is essentially the mouthpiece for Socrates in this book, and they follow the dialogue form throughout the book. The essence of his thoughts in Republic is that justice is inherently good, the best way to live, and should be sought after in every way. He faces many tough arguments with those he is trying to convince, but eventually shows everyone, including the reader, how important justice really is. He helps put into perspective that a just reputation is appealing to everyone, but the intrinsic value of justice is ever more important. Plato goes into some incredibly complex and often surprising arguments about why justice is such a necessity in both civilizations and each individual. Plato emphasizes the importance of the values he knows to be best during the book, and a couple of those happen to be truth and wisdom. By pursuing both, he thinks people would be naturally inclined to opt for a just way of life. The thoughts and topics he delves into are simple in a way, but are infinitely complex when you take a step back and define or assign meaning to the concepts of truth and justice. The way we look at justice or truth is dependent upon what we assume both concepts mean. Plato clarifies these definitions because it gives clear meaning

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