
Pestel for H&M in China

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1. Politics

Today’s China is the most populous country in the world and is so one of the most important political and economical forces in the world.

1.1. Country name

In English China is official called “People’s Republic of China” and in Chinese “Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo”

1.2. Capital

The capital of China is Beijing, which is located in the north eastern part of China. The city has 15, 5 million citizens and is the political center of China.

1.3. Government type

The Chinese constitution from 1982 says that China “is a socialist state under the people's democratic …show more content…

The State Council is represented by the premier who is “Head of the government” CIA, vice-premiers, State councilors, ministers in charge of ministries and commissions, the auditor-general and the secretary-general.
The Premiere is suggested by the president and verified by the congress. The other members of the State Council are suggested by the premier and verified by the congress. The State Council’s main functions consist of implementing the “principles and policies of the Communist Party of China”, accomplishing the regulations and laws and “dealing with such affairs as China's internal politics, diplomacy, national defense, finance, economy, culture and education”. (Government)
In addition to that, the State Council has “the power of administrative legislation, power to submit proposals, the power of administrative leadership, the power of economic management, the power of diplomatic administration, the power of social administration, and other powers granted by the NPC and its Standing Committee”(Government)

Central Military Commission
The Central Military Commission represents the military organ. Its main function is to command the armed force in China. The Commission consists of a chairmen, vice chairmen and members and

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