
Pathophysiology of Stroke

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References Bryant, B & Knights, K 2011, Pharmacology for health professionals, 3rd edn., Elsevier, Australia. Craft, J Gordon, C 2011, ‘Alterations in neurological function across the life span’, in J Craft, C Gordon, A Tiziani (eds), Understanding pathophysiology, Elsevier Mosby, Chatswood, NSW, pp. 188-226. Brain foundation 2011, A-Z of disorders, Stroke, Brain Foundation, Sydney, viewed 30 June 2011, . 3. Would it be appropriate to consider treating this patient with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA, alteplase)? How does this drug work? Treating Mrs Smith with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) or alteplase would be advisable after the evidence from the magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) scan confirmed no haemorrhagic conditions existed, even though the presenting symptoms greatly suggest a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) has occurred (Brain Foundation 2011). Tissue plasminogen activator is a fibrinolytic drug which is used to treat thromboembolic disorders, such as ischaemic strokes. These agents initiate secondary fibrinolysis to occur; altering the haemostatic capability. The primary purpose of this agent is to clear occluded blood vessels within the systemic circulation (Bryant & Knights 2011, pp.534-536). The occlusion, caused by a haemostatic plug or thrombus is comprised of a fibrous protein called fibrin. This protein polymerises to create a tightly woven mesh, trapping platelets within the fibrin fibre meshwork, resulting in the

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