
Organization : Sfu Childcare Society Essay

Decent Essays

ORGANIZATION: SFU CHILDCARE SOCIETY SFU Childcare Society/Centre is a non-profit organization that is affiliated with Simon Fraser university that offers its students, staff and faculty early childhood care and after school care. It offers various programs for children between the age of 3 -12 SFU Childcare Centres’ mission is “Leading excellence in Early Care and Learning in a sustainable way” and their vision is to create an environment where children can develop their potential through freedom to explore and engage in the world around them. WHAT IS THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY OF SFU CHILDCARE SOCIETY? SFU Childcare Centres’ strategy in its essentiality is on of incremental growth. They long-term goal is to become a leader in early childhood education and they employ variety HR strategies to achieve its mission. Their competitive position is one of best-cost provider strategy. They offer programs that meet the unique needs of children while fostering their potential through their Reggio inspired curriculum. Core values of the SFU Childcare centre are Joy, Relationships, Freedom, respect, responsibility, exploration and experience, accountability and integrity and communication. SFUs strategic plan to achieve their mission of leading by excellence in early care and learning focusses in three core commitments. They are Care and Learning, Sustainability and Stakeholder Relations. In each category the idea is to achieve their mission using and promoting their core values.

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