
Nurse Educator Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I remember various times of my childhood, helping my little sister with her homework, but pretending that I was the teacher and that she was my student. I used to compile ideas on how to make up tests for her, grade them, get creative in lesson plans, and demonstrate many tactics for her to fully learn her homework subject. When I became a freshman in college, I then realized my passion for the Health Field of Nursing when I got a job as a Residence Assistant/ CNA at a local Assisted Living Facility. Serving others through humbling myself in order to meet those needs of the residents with Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, and disabilities, impacted my life immensely and taught me the rewards of compassion and selflessness. I formed relationships with those residents that I still ponder on to this day. I would love to combine these passions of Nursing and teaching in my career goals of getting a Master’s Degree in the subject of Pediatrics of Nursing and becoming a Nurse Educator in Pediatrics. …show more content…

I want to become a Nurse educator to help shape the next generation of nurses through my efforts in creating quality educational experiences. Nurse educators are not valued enough for the amount of work they do but are an essential part of the educational system as they provide rising nurses with the knowledge that is essential in order to ultimately help save a person’s life. My goals as a Pediatric nurse is to obtain as much experience as I can through the hospital setting in order to teach as a Nurse Educator in Pediatrics through personal experience and to teach students to learn from any of my mistakes in my hopes for them to

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