
Negative Impact Of Postpartum Depression

Decent Essays

The Negative Impact of Postpartum Depression on Child Abuse


This psychological and behavioral study will analyze the impact of postpartum depression on women and the problem of child abuse related to this condition. Case studies find the circumstances of postpartum depression in women is directly related to the issue of previous child abuse and PTSD that have a negative impact on the newborn child. These factors define a significant correlation with postpartum depression in 1 out 9 women and later problems of abuse between mother and child. Finally, recommendations on the increased importance of mother/child relationships during the postpartum period need to further evaluated by clinical researchers to better understand …show more content…

These instances of postpartum depression provide evidence of the serious nature of postpartum depression, which affects the woman’s behavioral and psychological conditions after the birth. More so, previous histories of abuse to the mother can greatly magnify postpartum depression, which can result in the abuse of the child. Also, the factors of economic and social factors may also place undue pressure on the mother during the postpartum period, which increase the potential for child abuse during this vulnerable period of time. These are important circumstances that need to be taken into account when evaluating the potential for child abuse during the postpartum period.

Psychological and Mental Affects:

The negative impact of postpartum depression is often correlated with a history of childhood abuse to the mother, which translates into abusive behaviors after the child is born. These incidents of psychological and physical violence can occur in the mother’s own childhood development, or they can occur due to abusive relationship with males. For instance, intimate partner violence has become factor in the psychological history of the female, which defines an important part of the impact of child abuse in relation to postpartum depression:
The association of any form of lifetime IPV, such as psychological, sexual, or physical aggression, with antenatal or postpartum depressive symptoms is evident

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