
Postpartum Depression And Breastfeeding Depression

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Introduction I believe that mental health is not well discussed, or known, in today’s culture. People could struggle with mental health daily and others could have no idea. There are many different types of mental health issues, and one specific issue that is rarely discussed is postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a specific type of depression that new mothers can experience after the birth of their child. (Schacter, Gilbert, Wegner, Nock, 2012). The changing hormones a mother can experience directly after birth cause this condition. Postpartum depression can cause a mother to feel sad, guilty, and even experience thoughts of suicide. Postpartum depression may be discussed in the text, but the causes and even the treatments are not.
The journal article I researched explains the correlation between postpartum depression and breastfeeding (Borra, Iacovou, Sevilla, 2014). Specifically, if the intention of breastfeeding, and if the actual action is completed, can affect postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a treatable mental health issue, and researchers are currently trying to prove what the best treatments are and also how to prevent it. My future research would be seeing the improvement rates between not going to therapy, group therapy, and cognitive therapy. Then ultimately figuring out what the best treatment plan would be.
The study done showed the causal relationship between postpartum depression and breastfeeding (Borra, Iacovou,

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