
Metro's Grading System

Decent Essays

Recording and reporting of student assessment
Metro’s Grading System
Student grades in each course are based, in part, on test, homework, and project scores, but they are also strongly influenced by class participation, individual student initiative, punctuality, attendance, and class preparedness. It is the student’s responsibility to be fully aware of the course requirements and grading system described in each teacher’s class policy or course outline.
Student scores and marks on assessment tools will be entered into an electronic gradebook that is available for viewing by the teacher, student, and parent. Scores will be quantified into a grade of A – F each five weeks, culminating in a 20-week semester grade.
Grade Scale
Metro uses the standard 10-point percentage scale (based on 100%) for grading (100-90 = A, etc.), and has no grade of D. Therefore, in order to pass and receive credit for any course, the entire grade (based on all of the above criteria), must fall at 70% or higher.
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Fundamental to the teaching and learning process is the student’s integrity and honesty. Teachers and Administrators expect that all work be entirely the result of the student’s own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Teachers will inform students when collaboration and cooperation is an acceptable option as they are not the same as cheating and plagiarism. The determination of a student engaging or having engaged in academic dishonesty will be based on specific evidence provided by the classroom teacher or other supervising individual. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action at the classroom and/or building level. Students are expected to conduct themselves with honor and honesty by taking responsibility for their learning. Remember, graduating from Metro means that you have learned to be academically

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