
Mengzi's Arguments On Moral Principles

Decent Essays

Moral principles generally shape a person’s character. Such principles ultimately influence the way a person makes decisions, and may become the foundation that people pattern their lives after. However, in Chinese philosophy there exists a difference of opinion of moral principles. One by the name of Mozi advocates impartiality and condems partiality. He expresses that everyone should benefit everyone equally. Although this may seem benevolent, the very idea is impractical. Mozi’s point of view is rather progressive and future driven, due to the fact equal treatment for everyone has never happened historically and quite frankly, may not ever happen. In correspondence, Mengzi indicates that one’s first and strongest love, is love for one’s …show more content…

A person is considered partial if one shows preferential treatment for themselves or toward others who are of close relationship to them. He also claims that those who hate and steal are partial. However, one may make the objection that partiality doesn’t deem bad character or nature. According to Mengzi, human nature is innately good and wants what’s good for others as well. Consider the child at the well synopsis, where someone witnesses a child playing near a well and is going to fall in, Mengzi believes that everyone naturally feels sympathy for the child about to fall into the well. Even if the person doesn't save the child, He claims that we have a heart mind that wants to do good. Mengzi states that: “Humans all have hearts that are not unfeeling toward others.(Mengzi,129). Because a person demonstrates preferential treatment towards kin or close companions, doesn't necessarily mean that a person only maintains negative sentiments towards …show more content…

Unfortunately, every human contains a sense of partiality within their character by nature; whether they are deemed partial or impartial in character. Humans are the most selfish species alive due to the fact that every decision is ultimately made for oneself; whether it appears to be for others or not. Due to further circumstances, consequences or just by one’s innate impulses, humans ultimately make decisions in light of such elements. However, that doesn’t mean that great harm can’t arise from such decisions, nor does such a trait categorize someone as partial due to the fact that one places preferential treatment towards oneself. For those that hate and steal may possibly commit such actions for a specific purpose. Not only that, but that same person may be impartial, one cannot be for certain who is impartial and who isn’t due to the fact that no one can ultimately make that judgment for the entire society but only for oneself. Humans make out what their truth is and what they believe a certain concept or definition to be. Humans make up their own meaning of almost

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