
Olivetan Master: Gothic Art During The Gothic Period

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Olivetan Master was an Italian artist, active during 1425- about 1450 is called by this name because of a signature found from Milan in 1439. Milan describes him as a brother of the Order of Monteoliveto, which tells that he was an Olivetan monk himself. He is known for other different collections and an illuminated rule of Saint Benedict in Oxford at the Bodleian Library. He is known as an artist that create figured that are both elegant and emotionally impressive.
These kinds of art was made during the Gothic period that marks a transition from medieval to Renaissance. It was the time when churches had religious disputes. Gothic art in Italy transitioned in to the Renaissance. The Gothic period was strongly influenced by the Dominican and Franciscan monks. The Renaissance brought contemporary reality of the time into true-life paintings and sculptures. It started from Northern Europe towards South Italy. Olivetan Master some collection names are “Cutting from a choir book” and “Four Saints”.
It was an extremely innovative, powerful and influential era of art during 14th Century when Olivetan Master started his paintings and manuscripts of Illumination that is presented in the National Gallery of Art. 52 illuminated manuscript pages and 4 bound volume that describes the sacred subjects. It also includes the miniatures dating from 12th to 16th century from France, Germany, Austria, Bohemia, the Netherlands, Spain, and Italy.
Olivetan Master, Heaven on Earth

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