
Gothic Art History Summary

Decent Essays

In the realm of archaeology, beginning in the fall of 2016, I have performed research for Kacy Hollenback, PhD, at Southern Methodist University. Dr. Hollenback is a Northern Plains Indian archaeologist who hired me to assist her with a project analyzing soil samples taken from the floors of Hidatsa earth lodges in North Dakota. Her goal in collecting these samples is to determine where within each earth lodge household activities occurred. Based on the chemical content of the soil cores, Dr. Hollenback hopes to deduce where the food was prepared, where the residents slept, where the rituals were performed and where weapons were sharpened, among other activities. She collected the samples from an earth lodge along the Knife River in North Dakota. This earth lodge was in the same settlement that was originally the historic Sakakawea’s home. My involvement in this research was the preparation of the samples for analysis. From September to December of Fall 2016, I meticulously labeled the nearly two hundred samples, and dried each one in the lab’s drying oven. I …show more content…

Danielle Joyner entitled, “Fixing the Past: An Examination of Ancient Spolia Incorporated iin the Medieval Eagle Vase and the Herrimann-Ida Cross.” This paper was an exploration of Christian Medieval art pieces that incorporate pieces of antiquity into their makeup. These newly contextualized ancient artifacts, called spolia, can be found in Christian liturgical vessels such as the Eagle Vase and the Herrimann-Ida Cross, which incorporate an ancient porphyry vessel and the lapis lazuli head of a Roman woman respectively. Working with Professor Joyner, I explored the interaction of Medieval and Ancient, reading peer-reviewed articles and primary sources to draw parallels from the physical interactions of the objects with the ideological interactions of the antiquated pagans and the Medieval

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