
Mainstream Education Source Analysis

Decent Essays

The tools used for mainstream education in America are, at an ever increasing rate, shifting from physical to digital. Schools across the nation have spent the last decade integrating technology into education in an attempt to make learning more engaging for students. As schools join the charge for digital instruction they must heavily evaluate their motives, the realistic applications of new technology, and the consequences it may have on their students.

The first consideration for schools is the ability to justify their need for new tech. Why should a school with adequate textbooks spend money on new computers? Surplus funds for schools could surely be spent elsewhere. It seems that some schools and communities, like Empire High School (Source A), have adopted new standards only for the purpose of being the first to adopt those new standards. School officials need to be sure that any new technologies should be adopted …show more content…

Steven Johnson, a writer, says that typing makes writing obsolete (Source D). A common sentiment is that young people do not know how to actually do anything. This is somewhat true and can be contributed to ever present new tech because everything is done for us. We have calculators and spell-check. We are losing a need for tangible skills and personal style because all we need is for everyone to have the same, uniform skills. Schools must be careful that technology is used to help teach children, not to teach children how to use technology. Information and light and sound are already constant for children growing up with television and smart phones and it would be a shame for technology in schools to aid in the stifling of individuality. Esther Dyson calls this sensory overload “mental diabetes” (Source C). Schools may use technology to make their curriculum more engaging but it could very well harm their students in the long

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