
Love And Love In James Joyce's Araby

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Araby Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you. Love is in the air like the aroma of a fresh lit candle lingering in a room. People are consistently looking and finding love each and every day, in all sorts of ways and places. In Araby written by James Joyce the story of a boy who falls in love with one of his playmate’s sister. Love is seen all throughout the book, making this book have relatable connections to the reader; due to its relevance in the world today. Araby is a prime example of a child hitting puberty, and starting to fall in love. In this book, Joyce shows us how love can make one change their ways and give someone purpose. In Araby, the boy is younger than his playmates sister. Joyce does not give us any ages of the characters but we can assume because the main character goes outside and plays games with his friends still. Additionally, through his actions we can tell that he is starting to hit puberty. Normally when boys are young kids, all they tend to care about is having fun and wrecking havoc. In Araby however, the boy is starting to have an attraction feeling for his friends sister. Thus, hinting to the reader that the boy is hitting his puberty stage.
The boy starts to even think of her daily. “Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance (Araby 86).” Informing us that the boy thinks of her even when romance is not around or in a place to be. She is running through his mind and not even in his

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