
Legalism During The Ch In Dynasty Essay

Decent Essays

Belief systems are stories we tell ourselves to define our personal sense of “Reality”. Throughout history, in China, the different philosophies have affected the daily lives of the people. The philosophies of China have important beliefs and have positively and negatively impacted the daily lives of the people of China. The philosophies that have mainly affected the daily lives of the people of China are Legalism during the Ch’in Dynasty and Confucianism during the Han Dynasty. Legalism during the Ch’in Dynasty had many important beliefs. One belief of legalism during the Ch’in Dynasty is that they believed in the Two Handles: Punishment and favor. If you did something bad or wrong, the founder of the Ch’in Dynasty, Han Feizi, would punish you by cutting off the person’s ear or nose or make you work on the roads or irrigation or the Great Wall Of China. If you did something good, you were rewarded with food, crops, etc. There were more punishments than rewards or favors. Another belief is Han Feizi buried and killed Confucian scholars. This was because the first emperor investigated the scholars and they all blamed each other for something, so the emperor decided to kill all the scholars and put …show more content…

One belief of Confucianism during the Han Dynasty is they had a strong emphasis on education. They taught kids about The Four Books and The Five Classics. The Four Books referred to The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, Confucian Analects and The Works of Mencius. The Five Classics includes The Book Of Poetry, The Book Of History, The Book Of Rites, The Book Of Changes, and The Spring and Autumn Annals. Another belief of Confucianism during the Han Dynasty is that most people in China maintain a sense of doing what is good or right. The people of China try to stay positive about everything and show kindness to each other. Those are the the important beliefs of Confucianism during the Han

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