
Lao-Tzu's Philosophy Of Taoism

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In “Selections from The Tao te Ching”, Lao-tzu explains in depth his philosophy of Taoism. “He who knows (the Tao) does not (care to) speak (about it)” (Tzu, 250). A follower of Taoism will not tell others they follow Taoism, but will allow Taoism to come to them. The Tao is the path all followers take and is the essence of all things. All things in existence are apart of the Tao. Followers of the Tao believe, “(The Tao) produces (all things) and nourishes them” (Tzu, 247). All things are created by the Tao and remain alive because of the Tao. The Tao is what someone wants to believe it is and anybody in any religion can follow Taoism. Each person will define the Tao as something different because each person creates their own Taoism. Taoism

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