
Is Affirmative Action Racist? Essay

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Is Affirmative Action Racist?
The revered civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” In other words, don’t discriminate people because of their race. This should hold true in all aspects of life. Every American deserves an equal opportunity to succeed, which is why affirmative action is inherently racist. Affirmative action refers to various government policies that aim to increase the proportion of minorities and women in jobs and educational institutions historically dominated by white men. The policies usually require employers and institutions to set goals for hiring or admitting minorities. It is responsible for colleges discriminating against Eastern Asians and whites and for employers hiring workers based off of skin color rather than skills or experience. People can’t change their race (except for former president of the Spokane N.A.A.C.P. chapter, Rachel Dolezal, apparently), yet many colleges and employers favor certain races over others by using quotas, or a fixed number of people of each race.
U.S. News ranks Harvard University as the number one college in the world. Harvard University is also a perfect example of discrimination based on race in that they are bound to a system of quotas. Before covering the racial disparities at Harvard, it must be noted that while the SAT is not a perfect evaluation of students’ abilities, it is still

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