
Affirmative Action Essay

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According to Newman, affirmative action is a “program designed to seek out members of minority groups for positions from which they had previously been excluded, thereby seeking to overcome some institutional racism” (Newman, 536). Affirmative action made its debut with a piece of legislature passed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964 and continues to this day. However, the concept of affirmative action is a controversial issue that continues to be hotly debated.
Affirmative action policies are passionately debated by everyone from educators and politicians to ordinary citizens, all who hold differing opinions on both the necessity and validity of the policies. There is no doubt affirmative action is an emotional topic and deals with the …show more content…

Among the citizens of America affirmative action is a sensitive subject with some seeing it as a necessity to help those who have been repressed and others seeing it as reverse racism. Many Americans may also be conflicted about affirmative action, because it is such a complex issue. People fervently debate affirmative action, because it is a complex issue revolving around one’s own race, experiences, and desires.
It cannot be denied that there are many benefits to affirmative action in that it helps to ensure both fairness and diversity in organizations, such as schools. In many places across American discrimination is still alive and well. Because of this, affirmative action is necessary to action ensure that people of minority groups will not be denied admission to schools or employment based on their race. After all, there are some organizations who would not be willing to change their policies unless forced by the government to do so. Also, many minority groups are still underrepresented in schools and occupations, which is unfortunate because it gives people a skewed view of what the population of America truly looks like and lets them think of different races as simply the homogenous others, instead of seeing them as people. Being around people who are different is “necessary to dispel stereotypes about minorities” and as the Department of Education points out, “Interacting with students who have different perspectives and life experiences can

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