
Iron Man Ethics Analysis

Decent Essays

Iron Man (2008) is one the highest grossing Marvels movie in 2008. It is a frictional Si-fi movie where the charterer of Iron Man, played by Robert Downy Junior (Tony Stark). The movie was based on the rich armor businessman . Where he made advanced weapons for military. But the weapons that his company produced also sold in black market for terrorist . During movie Tony stark was captured by terrorist , and told him to make weapons for them in exchange for his freedom . During the he made many ethical decisions , which can be relatable to our Engineering to ethics class .
First ethical decision he made was he agreed to made weapons for them in order to exchange for his freedom . This is form Consequentialism of utilitarian where he is maximizing utility for a best out come . A outcome to save his life as well as his scientists friend . This situation is also relatable to the Risk Actualism “ The utility of a mixture of potential outcomes is equal to the utility of the outcome that actually materializes”.
Second ethical decision that he made was to build a Iron suite. In order to escape from terrorist he made a Iron suite . which helped him to escape . This act is Risk of expected utility maximization . “The utility of a probabilistic mixture of potential outcomes is equal to the probability-weighted average of the utilities of these outcomes.” This is the ethical decision because he decide to made an un-destructible suit to help humanity . He built iron suit initially for

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