
Informed Consent By Deborah Zoe Laufer

Decent Essays

Option 1:
A common factor researchers are aware on to carry their study is informed consent. It can be agreed upon the remark that, further action on continuing a proposal without this step is not approved. In the play write, Informed Consent by Deborah Zoe Laufer, the Arizona State University study on the Havasupai tribe is depicted, and shows that their research found more than enough data from a sampling of the Havasupai tribe's blood. The research was said to be focused on the cause of the tribe's vast case of diabetes type two. Consent was a main issue on how the research was carried, that made the outcome of the research unethical. The character Jillian was shown to be in charge of the conduction of the study process, making missteps …show more content…

Jillian could've made better approaches on the research by respecting the tribe's wishes and carrying the study in a more timely manner.

A misstep Jillian took in the science research was taking the process to start as an urgency with the Havasupai tribe. More specifically, she rushes the process of filling out the documents for the tribe to agree with, displayed in this scene: pg.12 "...In the meantime, I'll get those documents for the tribe to the IRB-stress the / urgency that we begin...". Furthermore, Jillian made this mistake by pushing the study to the tribe and not giving them time to make a decision. She kept trying to persuade the tribe to give blood sampled by explaining how the research will be beneficial to science and the health of the tribe. Jillian kept interrupting with scientific criticisms during her meeting with Arella, the translator of the tribe, in pg.30. Jillian should've …show more content…

Deception did not have to be a factor involved in order to continue the study. She had done this by not allowing the Havasupai tribe know what further research she was going to construct with their blood(cure for Alzheimer's, behavioral and mental conditions), and told them that the main focus is their case on diabetes type two. Jillian could've approached the tribe following the ethical guideline of honesty on what the research will be looking at from their blood. She could of gave the Havasupai further advancement of what they will be finding from their blood on the consent forms. That includes looking into abounding information from their medical

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