
Immatology Assignment

Decent Essays

HMM104: Immunology and Haematology Assignment
Question: ‘A newly emerged virus has infected a previously naïve (uninfected) individual. Please describe all the possible adaptive immune response to this uncharacterized virus’
The adaptive immune response is the response of antigen-specific lymphocytes to antigen, it functions through a series of steps aimed at limiting or destroying a particular antigen. T and B cells primarily mediate the responses of the adaptive immune system as they obtain the characteristics of specificity and memory. There are two classes of adaptive immune response; humoral immune response and cell mediated or antibody immune response. In order for the adaptive immune response to know when to respond, how …show more content…

Their two primary jobs are to ensure antibody production against the appropriate target antigen occurs and there is presentation of antigen to T cells and signals for T cell activation are provided. B cells provide protection of the host by producing antibodies that identify and neutralize foreign objects like viruses. These B cells then differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells. Plasma cells are terminally differentiated B cells that remain committed to the continuous production and secretion of antibodies. Each plasma will synthesise and secret only one type of antibody. Memory B cells are long-lived B cells that have specialised to remembering the type of substances that the immune system has seen before, they are primed for rapid response to repeated exposure of the antigen. Memory B cells are generated in the lymphoid tissue and migrate to the lymph nodes and reside in the ready mode for activation in order to quickly recognise and attack any returning virus. T cells attack cells that have become infected by viruses, there are two types of T cells the T-helper cell ad the cytotoxic T cell. T-helper cells do not attack infected cells directly, instead they release chemical messengers known as cytokines that signal differentiation, growth and action of other immune cells. Cytotoxic T cells go around in the body looking for and wanting to destroy pathogenic cells directly. Cytotoxic T cells attach to the compromised cell and release chemical factors that are able to kill their targets by programming then to undergo apoptosis. * Dendritic

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