
How write a compare contrast essay

Decent Essays

How to Write a Compare-Contrast Essay

The Elements of a Compare-Contrast Essay
What is comparison?
Explaining the similarities or points of connection between two ideas, people, or things to give the reader a deeper understanding of each

What is contrasting?
Explaining the differences or points of disconnection between two ideas, people, or things to give the reader a deeper understanding of each

Adapted from Webster’s Third New International Dictionary

On what subjects can I write a successful compare-contrast essay?

Your subjects will need to each be significant in their own right to merit discussion. They will also need to have some sort of relationship to each other so that showing them side by side allows the …show more content…

(Commenting on the quote.)
4. Commentary: further commenting on the quote


According to a recent article in the Seattle Times,” ...[t]he seemingly sure bet that higher education will pay off can be upended by any number of factors: broken marriages, illnesses, lost jobs, substandard schools and unrealized dreams.” (With no way out of trouble, more students likely to default, October 6, 2008). Students used to feel that borrowing for college was always going to pay off, no matter what happened. Now, many are finding it harder to pay it back due to many factors.
The Embedded Citation

This is useful when you would prefer to pick out very small phrases to prove your points.
Write your own sentence beginning, include the quote, and write your own sentence ending. The quote flows into and out of the sentence.

EXAMPLE: Borrowing to pay for higher education used to be seen as a “sure bet” but now some students are finding that their plans to repay student loans can be disrupted by “… broken marriages, illnesses, lost jobs, substandard schools and unrealized dreams.” (With no way out of trouble, more students likely to default, October 6, 2008). These unexpected obstacles may repayment difficult if not impossible

How to Write Commentary

Of all the skills students must learn in writing, writing commentary is considered the most difficult. Writing commentary means giving your own opinion and interpretation about something,

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