
Essay on Amy Tan’s A Mother’s Tongue

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Amy Tan’s A Mother’s Tongue The purpose of Amy Tan’s essay, “Mother Tongue,” is to show how challenging it can be if an individual is raised by a parent who speaks “limited English” (36) as Tan’s mother does, partially because it can result in people being judged poorly by others. As Tan’s primary care giver, her mother was a significant part of her childhood, and she has a strong influence over Tan’s writing style. Being raised by her mother taught her that one’s perception of the world is heavily based upon the language spoken at home. Alternately, people’s perceptions of one another are based largely on the language used. Tan was born to a pair of Chinese immigrants. Her mother understood English extremely well, but …show more content…

This was because her mother’s version of English and its modified rules caused Tan to be confused on some of the questions. Tan employs cause and effect when she is talking about her experiences with IQ tests and the SATs. The fact that her mother spoke English the way she did made it very difficult for Tan to envision what the test was asking, as with the questions where she could not identify one singular correct answer. In her experience with language, maybe she had heard her mother would say something a certain way, even though, technically, it was not grammatically correct. Her perceptions of things, specifically the rules of language, were different because of the language used at her home. She also incorporates problem and solution when she is describing how she had to talk for her mother. Her belief is that people will not take you seriously if you do not speak proper English, and to prove this, she shows how her mother encountered that kind of attitude often. Tan describes how she had to call the stockbroker because her mother was concerned about not getting a check, and how the hospital would not look for a lost CAT scan until Tan was called to mediate. Even though the mother speaks English, Tan still needs to act as a translator. Compare and contrast comes in to play at the very beginning of the essay when Tan is describing her mother listening to her giving a lecture.

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