
Health & Social Care Level 3 Essay

Decent Essays

` ASSIGNMENT 301 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS TASK A Ai Identify four different reasons why people communicate People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others, to give and receive information and instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions, knowledge, feelings, and emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued. Aii Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care settings between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other practioners One way effective communication can help in a social care setting is being able to know what the client likes and needs, this is …show more content…

| Gestures – using gestures can help to explain the conversation to make sure that the person can understand what you are trying to say and sometimes it helps support your conversation if someone finds it hard to understand. | Pitch of voice – making sure you pitch is right for the level of conversation and the service user you are talking too. Speaking in a low voice can be calming and soothing, but too low and you can sound boring. On the other hand a high pitch can sound shrill and be unpleasant to listen to | Facial expressions – Facial expression reveals a great deal about our feelings. A blank facial expression makes it much harder to interpret what is being said and makes it harder for the service user to understand the nature of the conversation. | Avi Explain why it is important to respond to an individual’s reaction during communication A response during communication is needed for the communication to take place. If someone is talking to you and you are not responding, it is difficult for communication to take place. When you respond to someone, it shows that you are listening to them, which then shows that you understand what they are saying and are interpreting it correctly, and are thus communicating. However, the response doesn't need to be verbal. A simple nod can even be considered communicating, as long as both participants are aware of each other and understand what is being put forth. Avii Explain how an individual’s background

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