
Group Objectives

Satisfactory Essays

Purpose of the Group Also, the purpose of the group is to help the group members learn efficacy in regards to the life problems they might be facing. During the process personal exploration has begun, also known as personal exploration groups and tends to focus on the establishment of trust within members in order to share and participate in group advanced group activities. During this time, the group leader and group members work towards establishing a level of comfort and begin activity exploration. In a climate where trust had previously been established then people feel free to speak while caring about one another and help each other through the process. As a result, new members are often amazed at how much their contributions help other …show more content…

As the individuals begin to share, the members begin to provide assistance to each other and get assistance from the group leader. Sharing thoughts and feelings in a safe and supportive environment can be an important part of the process in group therapy. It strongly affects how much the group member will be helped. By the climate of trust, members can learn to promote a safe place to share their struggles and work collaboratively to understand one another. As individuals increase their self-awareness, develop new ways of relating to people, and learn new adaptive behaviors, they make progress towards their personal goals that brought them to the group. Here is where the group activity will be an essential piece moving forward. Program Goals Goals and Objectives: Goal #1: Group members will work towards positive outlook on themselves. OBJECTIVE 1: Group members will work towards positive thinking. Intervention: Group members will focus on positive thinking and will focus on positive events during group sessions. Goal #2: Group members will work towards creating their Treasure box. Objective 2: Group members will write value quality items on paper to begin

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